Félix died of cancer in 2024 and is greatly missed by all of us at Canteen. He was deeply passionate about raising awareness of the support that's available for young people impacted by cancer through Canteen. Félix’s family, his partner Lulu and his many friends continue to kindly and generously support Canteen in his memory. His family has asked that we continue to share his story to honour his legacy.

A rough way to end a year

On Christmas morning in 2021, Félix received the devastating news that he had a cancer.

As a fit and healthy 20-year old, the diagnosis came as a huge shock. As his body deteriorated over the next few months, his mental health took a toll too. 

Félix reached out to Canteen and soon after he began regular counselling sessions. Through these sessions he was able to talk through what he was going through with a specialist.  
“At first, my counsellor guided me through processing my diagnosis and my ‘new-found life’ as a cancer patient. We spent hours talking through my first unsuccessful chemotherapy, the struggles in diagnosing my ‘ultra-rare’ tumour, undergoing a big chest surgery and recovery, and all my upcoming treatments.” 

Feilix and his brother

Félix with his brother

Ongoing support through Canteen

Despite multiple failed treatments and operations, Félix has managed to keep hopeful throughout his cancer journey. For this he thanks his amazing counsellors, Canteen staff, family and friends for supporting him through everything.  
“My fortnightly counselling sessions have been a huge part of getting me through my cancer journey so far and I’m sure they will continue to be.”

A force of nature

As a testament to his determination and perseverance Félix has trained for triathlons and recently smashed a half Ironman in September 2023.

Since being with Canteen, Félix and his friends have fundraised over $80,000 for young people and their families affected by cancer. 
As a Canteen youth ambassador, Félix recently participated in National Bandanna Day 2023 interviews and events, including shaving the head of Studio 10 presenter, Daniel Doody, live on national television.

Felix being interviewed by studio 10 reporter Daniel Doody

Félix being interviewed by Daniel Doody on Studio 10