Send a 'Warm & Fuzzy' message!
At the end of every Canteen program, young people write a heartfelt message to one of their new buddies – a tradition they call sending a ‘Warm & Fuzzy’.
You can send a ‘Warm & Fuzzy’ message of support right now to young people whose lives have been impacted by cancer. It will brighten up their day!

Warm & Fuzzy Messages

Val from ACT

James gangaram from NSW
Keep fighting guy’s never know your luck what’s at the end of the tunnel, hope to see you all get cured with our little donation and be with your loved ones.

Sal from QLD
Warm and Fuzzy??? You guys don't want warm and fuzzy do you??? You want hilarious and witty!! Well you're out of luck ;-) I'm neither! But I am here to say that you're going through a really shitty time right now. Don't lose faith. Don't lose hope. Listen to the doctors and listen to your body. I don't even know you and I think you're rad! Keep going. You can do this. We're all behind you, holding you up, my little friend. Much love, Sal.

Students of St Marys Senior High School from NSW
Our love is with you always Tara. You are forever in our hearts.

Sassy & Leah from NSW
You have got this! Keep positive and stay strong - and draw on all of the love around you

Ian Craig from VIC
You’re doing great! Keep up your spirits, I’m here thinking of you and sending you all my best wishes.

Lee Bradfield from WA
Thank you for allowing us to do this great fund raising opportunity lee

Evelyn from NSW
"God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers" you are not alone 🙏

Sheng from NSW
I like bananas

Pritam from WA
You bear a burden most of us don't as we are not strong enough! You are a warrior and you will overcome this too 💪💪

Phoebe from TAS
You are amazing. And you got this 💪. Sending warm hugs and positive vibes your way. Xxx

Deepa from VIC
Stay strong.. you have more strength than what you imagine..Be brave like a lion..Smile what may come

Evan Jo es from NSW
Having used the facility in Wagga, I understand the importance of this

Linda from VIC
Stay strong and positive and let your light shine. We are all standing beside you❤️

Charmayne from NSW
You are an amazing person, you are stronger than you know, keep going will get better

Samuel from VIC
You are loved, you have purpose, you are strong, you are brave. You make us so proud each day you fight. Truly you are an inspiration 💙

Wonder Woman and Superman from VIC
We just wanted to say that you are so brave and strong just like us. Keep fighting and get back up after each blow even though it's super tough. You can do it! Look for your inner superhero

Georgia from VIC
I need to start off by saving that you’re so resilient. As I sit here, I replay all my struggles through my childhood and now in my 20’s. I have had my unfair share of medical conditions, medication and loss of experiences. But still I can not imagine your hardships. Not much wounds my heart more than knowing someone’s child is going through the big C. That child could be mine one day. My younger brother at any moment. My god daughter… I know that you must be incredible strong. A beautiful soul. The type that lights up a room. Please know that you’re so valued by those around you and there are people always rooting for you! Not just to get well but to thrive in every moment you can in life. To take hold of opportunities and let people know you have something to say and offer. Keep fighting and know that you always have something to plan for. Where ever that plan looks like.

Adam from NSW
stay strong and keep fighting

Rose from TAS
This is my 20th year supporting Canteen. Whilst I've been lucky enough to not need their support, I'm proud to be able to help them help others who do.

Helen from TAS
Please help me with my fundraising efforts to support kids with cancer I have coloured my hair blue n purple in a effort to get people's attention to this worthwhile cause

Phillip from QLD
Rea, hi , the Hub excites me - you have somewhere to go and friends and support nurse staff- this money is good and I Believe it's focus is on 'the better outcomes of health and having smiles all round. Broncos didn't do it for QLD - I Hope this does it for you Rea and pray 🙏 ing.

Karen from NSW
Im greatful to have my beloved fiance, my 4 beautiful children by my side and my closest friends ❤️ I love you all so much. So they all know I lose my grandfather to cancer 2 years ago so I want to color my hair in honor of him.

Olivia from QLD
Remember the days where you were happy and free from cancer? That ended. And this terrible time will to. I truly believe that you can stay strong and fight through.

Chloe from QLD
I have no doubt that you will tackle cancer the same way you have every other obstacle in your life: with grit and determination and your fierce I’ve-got-this attitude! :) Sending love, strength and light your way to each and every beautiful soul reading this xx

Montana 💕 from VIC
Stay strong you have got this , we’re all here for you sending all of our love 🫶🏼

Tammie from QLD
Life is a journey, I am sure you’re strong and brave in your journey. Even when we are strong, it takes strength and bravery to ask for help sometimes. ♥️

Kaley from NSW
I truly believe that you have fought through this journey of yours and you will keep pushing through and remember to live life to the fullest and the sky is the limit

Sherene from NT
You've got this guys. Stay strong and remember we are with you always xx

Lara from ACT
Hi wonderful humans!! Please remember that your mates are always around and very willing to help you out if you ever need it. Ask for a hand if you need it and someone will show up for you. Remember you are loved. xo

Peter from NSW
Go you good things! Live life to the full!🐬😊

Liezel from ACT
When you get overwhelmed, take a deep breath in and out and know that, no matter who you are, or where you're from, the only thing you ever can worry about, is your next breath. Nothing else is guaranteed. For nobody! Just breathe... Know I am holding you in my prayers.

Alyssa from VIC
To the beautiful soul reading this, you are strong today, tomorrow and everyday going forward. You are so brave and powerful and an I admire the strength it takes you to fight everyday. I love you, I’m so proud of you and I am fighting for you💗💗

Ailleen from QLD
I truly believe your journey is unique because you are unique. You have an amazing ability to face down whatever life throws at you. You are not alone.

Monika from WA
Hello beautiful person, may your journey in this life be as wonderful as you wish it to be. Reach for the clouds and beyond.

Rebecca from VIC
To the person reading this, you are so strong to be here today. No matter what life throws at you, you keep powering through! Keep on going, I’ll always be here cheering you on xx

Ben from TAS
The strength you have is something to be admired a true hero in my eyes and I'm privileged to be apart of your journey keep being awesome 👍 and thanks for being my hero

Danielle from VIC
To the amazing person, I am grateful to be part of this journey and to help you. Remember you are not alone in this and God will stick by you every day and night and protect you. “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT

Taleiha from VIC
💙Sending you a big hug 🩷 I hope you get well soon ♥️ You are awesome 💚

Grace from VIC
Dear remarkable individual, I am profoundly grateful and privileged to be a part of this journey with you. It is my sincere hope that my contribution can make a positive impact in some capacity. The challenges you face are undoubtedly immense, and I earnestly desire that this message brings you solace and encouragement. Many are with you, thinking of you and never forget that you are cherished, possessing incredible strength, your courage leaves me in awe. Allowing me the opportunity to play a small role in this endeavor is deeply appreciated, and I extend my sincerest wishes for a positive, happy and bright future. With utmost admiration.

lissa from VIC
Lissa from Geelong Halo from Geelong You are not alone , be strong , be brave , how far you've come, everything you have gotten through .all the times you have pushed on even when you felt you couldn't, all the mornings you got out of bedno matter how Hardin was.all the times you wanted to give up but you got through another day . Never forget how much strength you have learned and developed.... Wish u a bright future filled with lots of laughter & joy You have Sending you our conditional love and support ❤️

Anthony from VIC
We are honoured to assist a whole bunch of brave people as you fight the fight. Remember the saying - walk softly and carry an armoured tank division. All the generous people out there are your armoured tank division so stay strong we have your back

Katy from QLD
Stay strong and keep fighting. We are all here to support you.

Janice from VIC
You are amazing,so brave. There are lots of people that care and i wish i could do more but just know you can get through this. You are so brave. Sending hugs xxx

Amber from VIC
Hey you amazing being! I’m so blessed and honoured to be apart of this journey with you and I hope that out of my donation it can help you in some way 💗 I have no idea how hard it must be and I hope this message helps you in some way ❤️🩹 despite you probably getting many of these 🥰 In my hair challenge I have gotten my amazing friend Phee to dye the under section of my hair blue and green in order to represent the Canteen logo 💚💙 I hope that you like it and that my small effort can you make you feel happy today :) I want you to know that you are loved, you’re crazy strong and I’m in awe of how brave you are. Thanks for letting me take some part in this and I wish all the best for you! 💙💚 Love from your proud fan, Amber 💜💜

Tessa and Alyssa :) from QLD
We love you so much and are continuously working to support and help you! Stay strong, you are incredible. Know that you are enough just as you are.

Ameera and Emma from QLD
We are sending love and virtual hugs to anyone who reads this. Hope you feel happy and supported 💌💌

Neve, Sameera, Emily from QLD
Hello from Neve, Sameera and Emily

Sophia and Caroline from QLD
Wishing you strength and bravery during this tough time. Remember that you not fighting this battle alone and that we are all here to support you❤️💗

Nish, Kaiyu, Issy, Iha from QLD
sending lots of love and positivity your way. you are so strong and just know that everything will be fine :) wishing you luck for your bright future!

Eloise from QLD
You are so strong keep fighting! You are an AMAZING person who is valued so much! You are worth it!

Em & Sophia from QLD
Sending love and good wishes, you are stronger than you know, and more loved than you think. Wishing you the best for your treatment! Love Em and Sophia

Emily from QLD
To whomever need to hear this, you are strong, you are brave, you are the most inspirational being anyone could ever know. Whether you fight this thing or not - it’s not up to you. But the way you approach it makes all the difference. Stay positive even though it can feel impossible some times. Stay calm even though you’re facing on of the biggest fights of your life. I may not know you personally, but we are always thinking of you ❤️

Anna from QLD
Hello from Brisbane, stay strong, stay positive and know that you are not alone in these tough times. Wish you a bright future filled with laughter and joy. You have our unconditional support and love.

Amanda from SA
You are stronger than you think. Sending my love and thoughts your way💖 Stay strong, know that there are people around that love and care for you. Hope this message makes you smile 🥰 xoxo

Austin from VIC
Hello Austin here, hope you have a warm and wonderful future. Keep fighting and stay strong. Lots of love.

James & Chleo from WA
Hello from Chleo and I. Wishing you all the best on your journey, hope you receive all the support you need. You are far braver and stronger than I will ever be. Much love

Annika from WA
I know this might not mean much but I hope you know that that whoever you are you’re so beautiful and strong

Linda from SA
Thankyou for being my inspiration, my strength but most importantly my hope as the amazing fighter that you are reminds me of how lucky I am to have you in my life. Always remember if you can that your a star but also your my hero. 💕👍🤗

Kathy from SA
I have had cancer but was lucky to have it removed and not recur. I am sending you lots of love and good wishes to enjoy life and be positive. I have six grandchildren and love to go to the park with them on a sunny day and play games.

Hey how I hope the sun is shining bright and your having a great and blessed day without any stress, may I say that I'm always here for any of you beautiful brave strong people to talk to. Much love hugs, kisses and support from me to you all. Be blessed Becc Reeves

Uncle Shepo from NSW
G'day Dear One I hope 🙏 and pray 🙏 that you are doing well 😀 🙏 ❤️ 😊 ☺️ 🙂 May the Sun smile on you this very day 😊 and the Moon Rays 🌙 🌚 😀 take care of you 😊

Debbie from VIC
I'm praying for you that you are feeling a bit better after your Canteen Program and hold on to HOPE and future Dreams. Thinking Of YOU. God Bless You 👍😇🤩 From Debbie & Sofie ( my best friend)

Kath from SA
Just wanted to tell you how brave you are, how wonderful you are and how beautiful you are. I’m a grandmother, mother, wife, sister and daughter and I rely the incredible strength that’s within women…all women and it starts with brave girls and grows. 💜 You got this, and we have your back xx

Chrystal from VIC
Stay strong, you are an amazing person. Just know there is always someone in your corner and there when you need a shoulder to lean on.

Lisa from WA
Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. You are stronger than you know and bravery is your superpower. You've got this!

Absane from VIC
Whoever is reading this, you're wonderful, beautiful and strong. Well done for fighting this disease and setting an example for others. You're not alone in this, we are here to support you. May you're blessed with lots of happiness, love , good health and a bright future.

Max from VIC
Whoever you are, wherever you are and whatever you are currently struggling with I will never know nor will I ever truly understand how hard it may be. With that being said I can offer nothing but my thoughts, prayers and love and sincere hope that you will cherish the warmth each new day brings.

Isaac (Zak) from NSW
Know that you are not alone on this journey - we are all here to support you all the way!

Jaimie from VIC
I just want you to know that you’re so strong and you’ve got this ❤️ I know times can get tough but never forget how you light up the room and fill the world with joy

Carlie from NSW
Hey you, I may not know your name, but I do know that you’re probably feeling scared. I felt like that too after my Brain Cancer diagnosis in 2013. I just wanted to tell you that things get better and I am here 9 years later sending you this Warm & Fuzzy. I truly believe that you will always have the most amazing people around you in your world. Hang on to the best things in life. Wishing you all the happiness in the world. Stay strong. xoxo

Janine from SA
Hello, I hope this bring a smile to your face. I’m feeling so good to have achieved my goals and more. To know it will help someone just like you is beautiful. Keep smiling and know you have support. Bring on the fairy floss hair. 💕💕💕

Linzi from SA
Being strong is the best thing in life that you can be. So be strong inside and out, my friend. You are not alone, stand tall and smile at the rest of the world.

Chloe from QLD
You may have faced many challenges in your life, you will rise and come out on top. This cancer is no different. YOU ARE A FIGHTER, I know that you will come out on top. You are a Warrior. Stay strong, know that there are people around that love and care for you xoxo

Geraldine from VIC
I'm a teacher and on behalf of my students and myself we want you to know you are in our thoughts and we send big virtual hugs to all.

Montana from NSW
You are so brave and strong. I know it’s tough but you will get through it. I’m so proud of you no matter what. You are an amazing person

Eva from VIC
Keep fighting! You can do it, and you matter SO MUCH!

Judi from VIC
I am in awe of your courage, your strength, you are a hero in my eyes. I know that sometimes you feel like it’s too much, but just remember how far you have come already.

Shaffar candy from VIC
Happy fuzzy day

Catherine from NSW
Each day, small steps. Every day, big hugs. Just know that little buddies carry you in their big hearts.

Rae from QLD
I hope your spirits are as high as the clouds, you’re warriors who battle through more in your childhood than most of us do throughout our entire lives. Keep up the positivity, you’ve got this 💪🏻

Tamara from QLD
I know what you’re going through is tough, but you are strong and this way will only make you stronger. You can do this and you’re not alone!

Helen from QLD
Hey. Hope your doing okay through your cancer journey. Best wishes

Sanya from QLD
Hello Beautiful I know your going through a rough patch in life at the moment, i no you think that's it but it's not think of it as a challenge and your gonna kick ass and beat this, your a positive soul keep on fighting even if it gets to much it's in you let that lion roar with positivity smiles laughter and never ever GIVE UP on your self thinking of you warm hugs and kisses 😘😘😘

Mary from NSW

Yiskah from QLD
Jesus loves the little children! "ALL THE CHILDREN IN THE WORLD" - Red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world! May the Lord lend you his strength and might, so that you may win this fight.

Alex from VIC
28 years ago I joined CanTeen after being diagnosed. I'm here today because of that decision. The support, experience and friendships I made are the reason why I'm here. Stay strong and give everything you can to this amazing organisation. You can make a huge difference not only to your life, but many others!

Ben from TAS
Gday legend I thought I'd reach out say hello and send some positive your way you are doing awesome and definitely a super hero to me.

Ricki from NSW
I wish you a happy and sunny day, relax and enjoy. 🌈🙏🎊❣️❣️❣️

Alexander class 1g from VIC
I like bandanas

Alex R from VIC from VIC
Hi my name is Alex I hope you are having a wonderful bandanna day.All of the people out there who have cancer good luck and I hope you are having a really good time and doing well. I believe that bandanas look cool on you. Everyone should buy a bandana to help all of the people in need.If you are getting a little sick just remember you will get through it. And I have a great 👍🏻 rest of your day. 🤪😜🤪😎

Jemimah S from VIC
To all of the people who have cancer I hope you get better and have a good life and to all that have brought a bandanna to help the people who have cancer you have made a big difference to that person that you gave the money to.

Joseph from VIC
Having cancer is hard it can shatter a young and old persons life anytime if u have cancer you aren’t different you are special and u are awesome just keep on pushing!😊😊

Dustan from ACT
Bandannas are cool

Rohail A from VIC
Hi you are cool. Good luck.

Izzy from QLD
Happy Bandanna Day! You are all so inspiring and so so loved. You have so much support from everyone; the hospital, your families, and every single person who is celebrating Bandanna Day! Get well soon

Stella from VIC
Hi and I am Stella I am really sorry for you being in hospital unwell, and in covid 19 I really hope u have some fun in your day. How have you been in hospital? I hope that you are going really well. Well, I think that bandannas are really cool 😎 and colourful! hope to hear from you soon Stella

Andrea from VIC
Hello kids of the royal children’s hospital, I hear some of you have cancer so I am writing this letter to all of you so you feel warm inside I hope your parents are give you company so your not lonely. I also hope you met some friends, have FaceTimes and your family comes to see you From the best Andrea

Jason Williamson from VIC
If you have cancer and you think your different..well you not at all your just a human being like all the rest of us. Probably the people that call you weird or different are probably just jealous of how cool you really are. Remember your not different you like all us humans to. Get well soon!💎

Jed from VIC
If you have cancer doesn’t mean you can’t have a great life:)

Jimbo from WA
Jimbo wants to send positive thoughts your way, hang in there and stay strong!

Prince from VIC
To those that have cancer I feel very bead for you I really do so I wish you good luck and you journey through this hard time for you

Lora from QLD
Hi all, I’m here saying never give up, my family and I will always be behind you no matter what. I believe in you and the rest of Australia is behind you because you are the next generation so you are the ones that are next in line so you be you and I’ll be me and no matter what, I will always support you.

Ivy from VIC
Just telling everyone out there never worry about what anyone thinks because you are you and that’s all that matters. Stay Strong, Stay Safe and BE YOU!

Keiana from VIC
Happy national bandanna everyone! Anyone and everyone who is unfortunately suffering from diseases ,such as cancer, I would like to let you know that you are not alone. I’m sure you at least have one person who will be supporting you the whole way through. Even if there isn’t, you have me! I will always support people with illness in fact I think you are the top of the top 🤗😁😃🥰😌😉😊 Hope your doing well!

C.G from VIC
I hope you are happy and safe. Hopefully you will get better soon and I also want to let you know to never give up

ME from VIC
Dear Mate, I hope you are well. You will get better as soon as possible. I hope you have eaten and drank you water everyday. Your cancer will get better with the hospital on your side. You are a brave and a great person. You are very brace by facing these challenges. I hope you have a great life and get better soon.

HV from VIC
I hope you get better. Cancer sux, so stay strong. We are thinking of you.

AD from VIC
while your in hospital we are thinking of you i hope that u can overcome this time you are the one and only

M.M from VIC
hopefully you get better and stay strong and never give up.just so you know we are here for you.

TL from VIC
I hope you will get well soon. I am thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts.

M.B from VIC
hi! i just wanted to let you know that you are the best in every way! you are strong and you need to stay strong, you are loved! there is not one person in this world that is perfect. you need to know that you are awesome don't stay in the shadows come out in the sun! show who you really are, don't listen to negative thoughts listen to the people that love you! your the best in every way!!!

A.B from VIC
I hope all is well and your in good health. I hope I can give your day lots of brightness. never give up and fight back. There is a beast inside you and we want you to fight back. Godbless.

KJ from VIC
Make sure you surround yourself with people you love and just be yourself

M.K from VIC
You are doing amazing! Just keep trying your best you can do it. If you ever get lost, you are loved :)

CC from VIC
I hope you will feel better and have more hope on yourself. Always stay strong and never give up on yourself. Know that there's always hope in life even though you're having a hard time.

DP from VIC
I hope you are always putting that frown upside down. Sending you good messages

M.A from VIC
I wish you get better soon. We know it's been a hard year but keep up the good work and never give up on getting better.

x.m from VIC
hi I hope you get better and give your 100% in getting better I am so sorry to hear that you are felling not good you should never give up and make sure to believe in your self have a good day and take care from x.m

L.S from VIC
You can do this! Keep fighting, I know you can do this because the love and the kindness is out hearts always wins, I know you can beat this. Kind regards: L.S

SJ from VIC
Dear Buddy, I hope you feel better soon. Stay strong and have lots of hope. You've through so much, don't give up now!

Mia from VIC
Hello there people with cancer! I feel bad, but I hope you guys have a great life with warm and fuzzy help :)

HS from VIC
Hello! You are awesome. you are loved and protected. you will get through it just keep trying! stay strong and try your best! you can overcome any obstacle. Warm regards, HS.

NT from VIC
I really hope you're doing well with what you're going through. I hope you're also been well during lock down, I don't want to take up too much of you're day, but take care and push through your struggles and know that we support you. God Bless :D

RS from VIC
I want you to know never give even though we haven't met before i just want you to know me and all my friends are praying for you i hope you keep pushing so you can get better

Hajin from VIC
Hello there! How are you and what have you been doing? I just wanted to say that you are a person who is special and someone who is a star! Are you feeling today? Remember that you are not alone. Thousands of people are here in the world to support you. If someone syas something offensive, tell me! I will teach them how it feels like to have to stay still at home and do nothing! Even though your time can be hard, you are strong. I have been thinking that you are very brave to stay strong in tough times! hope you have a good time soon! Hope you have fun with your family as well

Leah from VIC
Dear you, I hope you are doing okay! I don't have much to write but I just wanted to make sure your doing OK. Remember to be a brave and confident person, and let nothing block your way! Good luck! Love, Leah

Bill from VIC
Hello there. I want to say that you are not the only person who is in cancer during lockdown. Many others are also in cancer during this time and they are like you with almost nothing to do, like me. I hope up you are somehow staying healthy and fit during cancer and we all hope that you will stay healthy and make it through this difficult time

Alexander from VIC
Hi my name is AJ how are you going today?You look just as beautiful as you are on the inside! Here is a hug from me to you! I hope this letter brightens up your day happy Halloween 🎃

Jules from SA
Times might be tough but you are not alone, we are all right here by your side :)

Lena from VIC
You've got this

Dori Wronski from QLD
Hey there Just letting you know that you are way stronger than you think. Always. And you are not alone. We all here for you Sending healing and love to your way 🌸❤

Vicki from QLD
I wish you all the happiness in the world! No matter what comes at you, I know you will overcome any challenge!

Kathy from NSW
You are amazing you are strong you are loved most of all you are beautiful ❤️♾❤️ YOU ARE A WARRIOR

Kylie Chalmers from WA
Even though times may appear tough. Know that you are stronger than you think. You got this. Know we are all supporting you.

Charlotte Cooke from QLD
Although you are going through hard times, just know that we love you and are here for you. I hope you get better soon. ❤️❤️

Iha from QLD
Hey! I know you're going through some tough times right now, but I want you to know that we're here for you. we love you!!!

Shannon from NSW
Hey there! You ARE going to get through this. You are SO much stronger than you think! Just keep fighting. I believe in you. X

Ariana from QLD

Arianna from QLD
I'm so proud of you. And you should be too please never give up ✨ *Gives big hug*

Lennox Smith from QLD
Hi, I am 10 yrs old and I sold my first box of Bandannas with the help of my mum Claire. I was happy to help raise funds for all the children out there that are not feeling well. I hope they feel better soon. From Lennox Smith and my mum Claire Lonergan 😘😘😘

Noelene from WA
Hi I'm wanting you to know how much I'm putting into helping you and this great course

Sam from VIC
Hi, I wish you well with your cancer treatment if you can possibly get it. Sadly I do not have a photo of me showing my help but I hope you the best.

Christopher from NSW
Stay strong people, nothing can break you down ;) :)

Mel from QLD
So glad to help.lost a close friend to this horrible illness

Mel from QLD
So glad I can help

Jett from SA
I'll be shaving my head at school assembly in a few weeks to support amazing kids just like you. Stay strong 💪💕

AMY from NSW
Hello my new friend, I just want you to know that you are strong, brave, and amazing 👏 there are definitely better and greater days and wonderful things coming your way, love and light to you ❤

Amiel from NSW
Hi there ☺ I just wanna say be strong. Never give up and keep smiling. You will get through this. There are many people who love and support you. You got this warrior. God bless you. Much love ♥

Chantelle from NSW
Superheroes don't wear capes, they wear hospital gowns in my eyes you are the true hero. My prayers, hugs and kisses go out to you, your strength is beyond what most adults could handle. You are my hero 💕

Lily from NSW
No one knows what is around the corner we just have to take each day as it comes. With each new day comes new hope, new chances and new friends.

Sharon from NSW
You are a strong, brave and wonderful. May you always know how special and important ypu are. Sending so much love you xx

Gwen from SA
Stay strong & keep smileing

Pam from VIC
Keep up the good fight my brther proved it can be done

Jess from NSW
Dear young warrior, You are not alone. There are people on your side who are thinking of you, standing by you, loving you, praying for you and holding onto hope for you. They will walk through the shadows with you, both when you feel strong and for those times when you feel like you don't have any fight left in you. Keep fighting. There's so much still to live for. You've got this.

Mary from VIC
You are stronger than you have ever imagined, you are very brave, and this is just part of a challenge in life. You will overcome this and know that you are loved xx

Kristan from VIC
Always keep your eyes & heart forward. Look forward to life's many possibilities & what could be & not what has been experienced, processed. It's the past because it should forgotten but embraced all experiences your privileged to accomplish.... You need to love you. Past, present and future.. b4 you can love someone else..

Phil from WA
Hello, what ever you are doing now please stop look into a mirror and smile because you are my hero 😁❤️❤️

Kyle from SA
You are so brave, and so loved. I hope you're feeling better soon. Stay strong, and know you're in my heart and prayers. xx

Rochelle from QLD
Hey beautiful lady, Keep on charging you are doing a wonderful job. Lub u long time!! Sending lots of love ❤

Caitlyn from SA
You are so much stronger than you think you are. You will get through this. You are doing a great job! I hope this message makes you smile 😊

Kayla from NSW
Hey 😊 I hope you’re having a good day !! I’m sending you all my love and wish you get well very soon Look at you, you’re so strong and I know you’ve got this keep smiling and stay up you little fighter

Renee from VIC
Hi! I'm a 38 year old wife to Troy and mum of 9 year Lachlan. I've always wanted to shave my head for a charity and after growing my hair for 3 years I decided Bandanna Day was the charity to do it for. My goal is $2,000 & so far I'm doing well to reach that at $1,300. So many people are touched by Cancer and I hope the little bit I'm doing gives you and others like you something to smile about and the support you need in your time of need. Stay strong & take one day at a time! Cheers, Renee xo

Reaghan from ACT
To whomever get thus message just know you are not alone!! I have many loved ones who have battled/ are battling cancer and they always tell me that it's just nice to know there is someone there to help! You've got this!!!

Jaimie from VIC
Hey Hey 😊 I hope you’re having a good day !! I’m sending you all my love ❤️❤️ Look at you, you’re so strong and I know you’ve got this ☀️ keep smiling and stay up you little fighter 💪🏽

Mel from NSW
My name is Mel i live in beautiful merimbula on the south coast of nsw! I wanted to write a little message because im sure whoever is reading this has been through some tough times recently and from my experience kids who are faced with tough times are so positive and resilient, little superhero’s in my book! I hope you are looking forward to the warmer weather, we have a beautiful beach here in merimbula which i hope you get to see one day! Big hugs from merimbula and I hope things in the future are bright and beautiful just like you 🥰

Julie from SA
Remember you are stronger than you believe Stronger than you seem Smarter than you think

Louise from TAS
Please know that you are dearly loved. What you do with your life is important, and it matters. But more than what you do, how you do it matters. Stay true to yourself. Don’t forget about the little guy. Step up and smell the roses. Never give up on your dreams. You are worth it, never stop being you.

Olivia cay from TAS
I know things seem tough right now but you are tougher and will always have support and have the strength to keep fighting. You've got this we're all here to keep supporting and encouraging you

Bec from VIC
I hope you have a good day and night we are al here to help you

AJ and Zara from WA
Hi! We’re AJ (tan coloured) and Zara (brindle/brown coloured) and we just wanted to give you a big hug! We’re both sad we can’t really hug you, so here’s a picture of us snuggling, wishing you could cuddle with us! We know that you’re going through something hard right now, but stay strong! Good days are like a tennis ball. Sometimes it seems really far away, but you just gotta chase it! We’re chasing tennis balls for you! Mum says we have to go for a walk now, but we’ll be thinking about you and dreaming about a day when we can see you! 🐶🐶 Love AJ and Zara xx

Sarah from WA
You're so strong for going through what you're going through and not giving up I am so so proud of you and I wish the very best for you and am with you in spirit fighting alongside you. Lots of love 💝

Allan from NSW
Virtual Hug to All. Head shave for cancer for me.

Candice from QLD
Nobody knows what it takes to face what you are facing unless they have been there themselves. You are incredible and loved and more resilient than you realise. We lost my husband this year to cancer and he was always more concerned with our kids coping than himself. Canteen was there for us and we are here for you. Sending you soo much love.

Iris from SA
No matter how tough your day maybe, remember there is sunshine in your soul. There is all joy in your heart, and you are always loved 😍 💛 ❤ 💖 💙 ♥ sending my love to you each and every day....

Caroline from NSW
Hi! I'm actually a member of Canteen myself and I wanted to raise some money this year so Canteen can help other young people like they've helped me :) I hope you feel the support and love from Canteen that I have felt and that it has helped you through your journey.

Amba from SA
There’s always sunshine after the rain. Sending love and strength 🌈 💕

Danica from NSW
I believe in you! You are strong then us all and you can do this! I’m here for you and supporting by far! You are my superheroes that all secretly wear capes! I’m so glad I can be apart of your journey with any help I can! ❣️

Dakota from QLD
Hello I hope your doing well today. You my be struggling with your health right now but: I hope u get better shortly. I will do everything I possible can to help you though your Journey just stay positive for me I hope u get better in the near future.

Tiffany Keech from NSW
My daughter Lily and I are sending lots of love to those fighting cancer. We hope during these hard times your still finding the time to smile

Mel from VIC
Thank you a million times over for everyone’s support. ❤️ As a young person at Canteen personally, it means the world to me and everyone here. To everyone else at Canteen, you are all so amazing and strong! Don’t ever forget how much strength, bravery and courage you have 💕

Zanzii from QLD
You are loved. There is support. I know personally how difficult it is to have this disease bulldoze your universe, but there is always light. In your friends, in your family, in your favorite blanket. May you find comfort in the love wrapped around you. And may your smile beam ❤️

John from NSW
All the best

Shannen-lee moore from QLD
Hugs & kisses coming your way with lots of positive vibes 😘

Kelly from VIC
Hello you gorgeous worriers, You are loved and cherished by all around you and many more and as strong as you can ever be keep your chin up and your head held high remember to keep smiling you are amazing and always will be your the best you that you can possibly be, you can do anything you put your mind to dream big lovely I will be thinking of you everyday Sending all my love and hugs xoxox I love love you gorgeous

Jacqueline from VIC
You are stronger than you think! You are so brave! Keep up the good work!!! I hope this message makes you smile

Lyndal Martinovic from VIC
Hi lovely Sending you my prayers and love. Stay strong and you can get through this. Love Lyndal ❤️❤️❤️

Jacquie from SA
You are amazing and such a super hero. I'm amazed with all you go through you have a beautiful smile. Keep smiling you amazing strong super hero.

Kyla from QLD
Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage that continues to count. As long as you have hope and courage, there is no telling what the future holds for you. Stay strong!

Anita from VIC
Wishing you all the best on your journey, what an inspiration you are to all around you, you've got this!!

samantha from NSW
you are doing amazing never give up everyone believes in you and we all care keep fighting and stay strong

Tori from VIC
No matter what life puts you through. You are strong enough to get though it. Believe in yourself and you will always accomplish what you put your mind to 😁❤️

Danielle from QLD
Keep fighting and know you are not alone ,you are stronger then you think and braver then you will ever know. Love to you ❤

Kimberley from QLD
Hi There! It’s been a long time since I’ve written one of these but I still have every one I got on camp when I was a member of Canteen. Remember that you are loved and have the strength to get through anything life is throwing at you right now. You have the ability to do anything you want with your life and even when it seems like nothing is going the right way or everything is falling to pieces you have people who support you and can pick you back up and help you through whatever is going on. Take time for yourself, spend time with your family (either biological or the canteen one, because we both know that canteen is our family now too) and keep in mind that you are stronger than you realise but it’s okay to experience your emotions as they come. You are safe and you are loved and I wish you all the best and hope you keep on shining!

Trista from QLD
I just want to say always remember your are stronger then u think your journey has just begun and now is the time to reach for the stars u can be anything u want to be u can achieve anything you want to never give up u are beautiful and loved and stronger then ever sending u love n hugs xoxoxox

Kylie from NSW
You shine brighter than the brightest of stars. Keep fighting you are stronger than you think and loved more than you know.

chezz from VIC
You are stong and beautiful you can do anything if you put your mind to it Now put a smile on that gorgeous dial :) xoxo

Nicole from TAS
You are strong and you can do anything

Breeanna from QLD
Never forget how beautiful and strong you are! Love life 💗

Renee from NSW
You are braver than you know !!! Keep smiling , think positive , enjoy each day, Hold your head high and be proud . You are an inspiration to so many people , Sending you so many hugs and so much love right now 💗 💖 💓 💕

Jodie from VIC
Hello, You are awesome. You are loved and cared about, even by strangers like me. Being a teen is hard enough without the added challenge of having cancer, but you’re a trooper, I believe in your strength and I’ve got your back, always. Love, Your grumpy surrogate uncle

Jess from WA
Keep fighting your battles even when you feel like leaving. Find at least 1 thing that makes you happy today 😊

Shaq from NSW
Love you to Maccas and back

Jess from WA
Be as positive as you can be through hard times 😊🌻✨

Mark Timbs from QLD
Did you know that superman gets his super human strength from the sun? He can lift an entire planet!! Yet compared to you. He is weak! You are strong, you are amazing! Keep smiling. You are doing a great job!

Lulu from SA
Stay positive and keep smiling!

Helen from NSW
Hearing your stories inspires me every day

Georgie from NSW
You stories are inspirational! Keep staying strong and positive.

Cherie from WA
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass It's about learning how to DANCE IN THE RAIN!

Steve from VIC
We’ll get through this together, knowing there are brighter days ahead for both of us.

Kelsey from NSW
Stay positive and remember to keep smiling!

Jayne from NSW
You've got this! I hope you have a fabulous day.

Samantha from QLD
You are stronger than you think! I know it's tough but you're doing a great job. I hope this message makes you smile. :)
Stay strong. Beyond Bank is good to let us support and assist you via their promotion. I hope our donations assist you in some small way to brighten your day.