This October, I'll be getting a drastic haircut for Bandanna Day!!
Hi guys!
My name is Steph, and I live in Charleville, a beautiful rural town in the heart of South West Queensland.
I'm cutting my hair for Canteen’s Bandanna Day this year to support young people as they go through their battle against cancer.
Canteen is a game changer! They help young people cope with their cancer and the diagnosis, the impact it has on their family, rebuild their foundations and connect with others who are experiencing similar journeys.
It would mean alot if you could please help me to reach my goal, to ensure no young person has to experience cancer and feel like they are alone. Because they are never alone in this.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your support 💞
Thank you to My Sponsors
$63.30 Teegan Field
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