We are selling bandannas to help young people find life in the face of cancer.

You can buy a bandanna from our box, OR donate directly to our fundraising page.


We are taking part in Canteen's Bandanna Day!

We are taking part in Canteen’s Bandanna Day this year by selling bandannas to support young people impacted by cancer.

Canteen is the game changer. They help young people cope with cancer in their family, rebuild their foundations and connect with others in the same boat.

Please help us reach our goal and provide life-changing support for young people impacted by cancer.

Thank you!

Thank you to My Sponsors

$308 Pillow Talk Matched

$30 Nandha Krishnan Mg

$30 Siddharth Bhardwaj

$30 Godfrey Harvey Dacutanan

$30 Lia Liaros

$16 Paul Sutton

$14 Paul Sutton

$14 Godfrey Harvey Dacutanan

$14 Porscha Epiha

$14 Lia Liaros

$14 Joshua Tonnet

$14 Mhars Pabalan

$10 Sarah Humphries

$10 Mhars Pabalan

$10 Rose Maloney

$7 Sarah Humphries

$7 Hamish Snodgrass

$7 Carlo Delos Santos

$7 Cecilia Bonnevier

$7 Joellaine San Juan

$7 Emmy Liggett

$7 Nandha Krishnan Mg

$7 Benjamin Korczak

$7 Fariz Ingle

$7 Siddharth Bhardwaj

$7 Praboda Geeganage

$7 Alexis Beaini

$7 Raina Schmidt

$7 Danielle Rossen

$7 Philip Anayo

$7 Simon Stefanovski

$7 Blair Hurrell

$7 Nathan Stead

$7 Rose Maloney

$7 Lary Rosario

$7 Alexander Graham

$7 Noa Sela

$7 Alexis Beaini

My Achievements

Pledged to square up to cancer

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