Clay, Mia and ivy johnson

Seller ID: NBD24-19825

I'm selling bandannas to help young people find life in the face of cancer.

You can buy a bandanna from my box, OR make a donation directly to my fundraising page.


I'm taking part in Canteen's Bandanna Day!

As many of you know, this year our world was turned upside down. We lost our nana suddenly and unexpectedly to cancer.w

We miss nana everyday and think of her all the time . 

We are taking part in Canteen’s Bandanna Day this year by selling bandannas to support young people impacted by cancer.

Every year, another 23,000 young Australians have to face the challenge of cancer. Whether dealing with their parent’s cancer, a brother or sister’s cancer, or their own diagnosis, Canteen is the game changer. They provide expert advice and counselling to support young people and their families to rebuild their foundations and connect with others in the same boat.

Buy your bandanna today and provide life-changing support for young people impacted by cancer.

Thank you.

Thank you to My Sponsors

$100 Mum

$100 Pillow Talk Matched Donation

$31.65 Mia Cole

$31.65 Pillow Talk Matched Donation

$30 Eden Day Care Family

$7.39 Julie Mcdonald

$7.39 Pillow Talk Matched Donation

$7 Pillow Talk Matched

$7 Lily Wattam

My Achievements

Pledged to square up to cancer

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